DI, 18.11. | Lettrétage
Ross Sutherland & Simone Kornappel
DO, 20.11. | Lettrétage
Vincent Message & Gerhild Steinbuch
DI, 25.11. | Lettrétage
Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Jörg Albrecht
DO, 27.11. | Lettrétage
Christian Prigent & Christian Filips & Aurélie Maurin
Ross Sutherland & Simone Kornappel
DO, 20.11. | Lettrétage
Vincent Message & Gerhild Steinbuch
DI, 25.11. | Lettrétage
Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Jörg Albrecht
DO, 27.11. | Lettrétage
Christian Prigent & Christian Filips & Aurélie Maurin
- Moritz bei Live-Blog zu Christian Prigent / lamentationen in lametta [zwei rd]
- Stefan Mesch bei Live-Blog I (cvb) / Performance Fiston Mwanza Mujila
- Konstantin Ames bei 18.11. Performance Ross Sutherland – Auftakt
- stonch bei Fiston Mwanza: Be-pop dans une nuit de beuverie
- Christian bei Christian Prigent: l’âme – tomber du jour #1
Ross Sutherland’s Zangief: Replay the game
Person A:
Pure obsession, drives this mad-man!
What could possibly be strong enough
to get one addicted to not only killing,
but escaping from death’s claws over and over again?
Is it the longing for strength itself?
The simple need for another adrenaline rush,
like a junkie fantasizing about his next shot?
Does he want to proof anything to someone?
Does he actually enjoy that pain?
Why is his mind all about figh…
Person B:
Oh come on! Shut up!
It’s just a game!
von Johannes PG
by Johannes
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