Foto: (c) First Part of the Final… This is about money. I wrote it for my girlfriend. Sutherland trägt Richard Branson vor. Ames die Übersetzung. Es folgt Google (zweisprachig): Und das ist nur, weil Gott die Kulturerbe-Forschung tröstet. Simone Kornappel beendet die Lesung, bedankt sich. Und läd ein zum Gespräch im Anschluss. Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] I have helmed enough spaceships in my time to understand a lounge in three dimensions. My mind can pilot a lightweight craft through the hazards of your mantelpiece. I can hide in the nebula of your Grandmother’s curtains, sky-dock on the lampshade. A Yorkie Easter egg crumbles Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] Our architect is famed for identical buildings: The School of Broken Necks in Toronto, The Yahtzee Institute in Bethlehem, one bleached white, the other grey. Ours famously fluctuates between the two; where hockey teams slam their ochre girlfriends against its dim corridors. Basements hum with password-protected short stories. Young minds Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] “Many believe that Zangief entered the tournament out of his fierce respect for his country, but they are only partially correct. Zangief loves his country, but he loves to stomp on his opponents even more. What else would you expect from a man who wrestles bears for fun?” –SNES manual … Weiterlesen
(Die folgenden Verlinkungen liefern weitergehende Informationen und dokumentieren die Lesart oder abgeleitete Notizen von Kuratorin Simone Kornappel; deutschsprachige Nachdichtung weiter unten) Richard Branson (Cambridge, 2012) My love, I feel like this print of Rothko. I am small and glassy and I want to impress you, … even if it means murdering one of Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] I told you what was in my heart. You asked me to prove it, so the next day, I brought round the x-ray. This here, I said, tapping the acetate, is the shadow cast by a sleepless dervish. And these black spots across my left ventricle are Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] 1. Hypothesis I suggest, were we to collide, our compounds would bond like people do. Then, once we cut away the control, Love (L) would be evident — for I strongly believe our diagnostics hide this volatile, stupefying element. 2. Apparatus Let us take a Weiterlesen
[deutsche Nachdichtung: weiter unten] My dad hijacks a nuclear warhead and threatens to launch it at the Statue of Liberty if his demands are not met. He salutes a wall of televisions; sallow-skinned agents are activated in Honduras, followed by Washington, Rome, Peru, each with a briefcase handcuffed to their wrist and a Weiterlesen
Ross Sutherland & Simone Kornappel
DO, 20.11. | Lettrétage
Vincent Message & Gerhild Steinbuch
DI, 25.11. | Lettrétage
Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Jörg Albrecht
DO, 27.11. | Lettrétage
Christian Prigent & Christian Filips & Aurélie Maurin
- Moritz bei Live-Blog zu Christian Prigent / lamentationen in lametta [zwei rd]
- Stefan Mesch bei Live-Blog I (cvb) / Performance Fiston Mwanza Mujila
- Konstantin Ames bei 18.11. Performance Ross Sutherland – Auftakt
- stonch bei Fiston Mwanza: Be-pop dans une nuit de beuverie
- Christian bei Christian Prigent: l’âme – tomber du jour #1
18.11.: Ross Sutherland – Zum Programmheft
QRcode-Material Audio google translation invinite lives google translation nude google translation richard branson zwei Meinungen google translation Dienstag, 18. November 2014, 19:00 Uhr, Eintritt frei ¿Comment! – Lesung und Installation mit Ross Sutherland, Konstantin Ames,Catherine Hales und Simone Kornappel Gedichte des schottischen Lyrikers und Kommentare seiner Leser, darunter Stefan Mesch, Kristoffer Cornils, Konstantin Weiterlesen