DI, 18.11. | Lettrétage
Ross Sutherland & Simone Kornappel
DO, 20.11. | Lettrétage
Vincent Message & Gerhild Steinbuch
DI, 25.11. | Lettrétage
Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Jörg Albrecht
DO, 27.11. | Lettrétage
Christian Prigent & Christian Filips & Aurélie Maurin
Ross Sutherland & Simone Kornappel
DO, 20.11. | Lettrétage
Vincent Message & Gerhild Steinbuch
DI, 25.11. | Lettrétage
Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Jörg Albrecht
DO, 27.11. | Lettrétage
Christian Prigent & Christian Filips & Aurélie Maurin
- Moritz bei Live-Blog zu Christian Prigent / lamentationen in lametta [zwei rd]
- Stefan Mesch bei Live-Blog I (cvb) / Performance Fiston Mwanza Mujila
- Konstantin Ames bei 18.11. Performance Ross Sutherland – Auftakt
- stonch bei Fiston Mwanza: Be-pop dans une nuit de beuverie
- Christian bei Christian Prigent: l’âme – tomber du jour #1
Money and tissues (a flarf poem)
Using printed napkin tissues
Blowing myself out
2 packs of 10 Novelty Toys
Watching Molecular targets ordering japanese toilet paper
Money rules the world
Weather or not, make money
50 cent says Floyd stiffed him for
About $2
Another family raises money for a headstone
Money tree
Capital investment activity
In nah nah, a dollar
To a money tree
Branch near you
A Harakiri is not a great idea
When bombing the US with money
Money boy offers you tips for
Alternative weapons
So that everybody would die for laughter
Now get talktime, pay on purchase of yippee masala
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5 – Muslim Consumer Group: Sunfeast YiPPee Your Source for Halal Foods
From Slum boy to millionaire, King Street Cambridge
They have more money than you.
Have expensive and beautiful products
People are invited to coaching rich kids
In show business.
(Johannes, Beste, Lena, Sophie, Sophia, Yü)
Der Text bezieht sich auf Ross Sutherland: notes on “Richard Branson”.