Infinite Lives (Try, try, try again)

I stand in front of a dark corridor.

A black figure at the other end of the corridor.

We are face to face, looking at us,

so that he can running up to me.

He starts to run, I run to escape.

I can feel how the ground dissolves beneath my feet.

I can see the white light.

Try again.

I stand in front of a dark corridor.

A black figure at the other end of the corridor.

We are face to face, looking at us,

so that he can running up to me.

He starts to run, I run to escape.

I can feel overcome the stair.

I am outside, feel the sunshine shining.

Feel a pressure on my right ribs.

Try again.

I stand in front of a dark corridor.

A black figure at the other end of the corridor.

We are face to face, looking at us,

so that he can running up to me.

He starts to run, I am standing still.

It is a enjoyable reunion.

Control your dreams.


2 Kommentare

  • balpbek

    Your text is like a motivation for people who are worried about their dreams, it seems like it is opening someones eyes or mind and it forces people to think about their dreams.

  • Jai Omo

    This motivates me to keep on going, to follow my dreams and never stop believing in myself. I also think with the statement “control your dreams” you kind of mean to control your life, do what YOU want and take matter into your own hand.